The Rookie Blogger

May 30, 2009

Super Mario 3: Mario Forever

Before personal computers exists, Mario games (Mario 1, Mario 2, Mario Tetris, etc.) are already running in family computers. For me, Mario 3 was the best mario game I've ever played because of its bountiful levels and elegant graphics. I think, the flying power was also added in this version of mario.

I started to look for mario games that runs on Windows or Linux systems. I downloaded Supertux first which runs in Linux operating systems. Supertux comes in a Debian and RPM formats. When I played the game, I was discouraged because the main character is not Mario nor Luigi, it was a penguin!

I googled again for mario games then I found Mario Forever which runs in Windows operating systems. I also found out that there are already three versions of Mario Forever. When I played several levels of Super Mario 3, I concluded that this was one of the best remakes of Mario games, the one that is running in family computers.

I download the game at this site for free [].

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This is a personal blog of James Arnold. This blog contains posts about travel, technology, dining, and many more. James is also a freelance photographer that caters events such as weddings, debuts, birthdays, and even personal photoshoots. You can contact him through +63 916 659 7001 if you have any questions or plans to advertise on this blog.
