The Rookie Blogger

June 1, 2009

Widescreen Wallpapers Created by Newbie

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This is the first time I created a digital art-wallpaper and it is in a widescreen format. I combined some tutorials like masking and using the filter menu in photoshop. Personally, I don't like the results but at least I learned something.

This tutorial is a combination of retro (masking newspapers/magazines) and using the pen button. I read several blogs and comments in tutorials about pen button. I even read something about 'using the pen button is not that efficient'. The tutorial about using the pen button really helped a lot in creating this widescreen wallpaper.

The final result of the tutorial doesn't really look like this. In the tutorial I read, the final output has several rainbows and puffier clouds. The stars are also twinklier than what I have done but at least I did something similar from the tutorial - the idea.

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About The Rookie Blogger

This is a personal blog of James Arnold. This blog contains posts about travel, technology, dining, and many more. James is also a freelance photographer that caters events such as weddings, debuts, birthdays, and even personal photoshoots. You can contact him through +63 916 659 7001 if you have any questions or plans to advertise on this blog.
