The Rookie Blogger

July 14, 2009

The 30-Minute Vector Pumpkin

I googled for a tutorial, a simple one, on how to create vector images using Adobe Illustrator. The version I am using for this vector art is CS3. According to Illustrator Tutorials, this vector art is one of the simplest and easiest to create but I don't know what happened to me; I was complaining to myself and to the software almost all of the time. One of the reasons I could possibly think why it took me so long to create this thing is that I am a newbie in Illustrator.

I was so exhausted after I finished creating this art. Then I asked myself, "how do graphic artists do similar stuffs?". Some of the vector images I saw are even far more complicated than this pathetic and fake-looking pumpkin.

The finished product of the 30-minute vector art pumpkin.

At least my Halloween pumpkin looks like a graphic pumpkin. I am still reading a lot of tutorials about this amazing software because I want to create vector logos and images. I hope I can learn a lot of amazing things despite of my busy schedule. ahehehehehe

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About The Rookie Blogger

This is a personal blog of James Arnold. This blog contains posts about travel, technology, dining, and many more. James is also a freelance photographer that caters events such as weddings, debuts, birthdays, and even personal photoshoots. You can contact him through +63 916 659 7001 if you have any questions or plans to advertise on this blog.
