The Rookie Blogger

July 28, 2009

Possible Website Layout for the Department of Computer Science

We are given a project which is not just a project by name, but also a legacy to the Department of Computer Science in the University of the Philippines Cebu College. People who are browsing the net especially the bloggers will always say that the content is more important than the design but for me, layout really matters because it is one of the reasons why people visit and stay a certain website.

Here are the possible layouts of the upcoming Department of Computer Science of UP-Cebu website. The site will be up and running this October.

A simple torquoise-colored site with white borders.

Hard-blue with dark background website layout.

This layout is based from an envelope and paper.

Yellow-themed site.

Very simple blue-white website layout.

Another torquoise-themed website layout.

These seven layouts are not yet final. The colors or even the layouts are still subject to change. Votation from the while class is needed to decide which design will be used for the DCS website. The final layout of the website will be hidden until its release.

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About The Rookie Blogger

This is a personal blog of James Arnold. This blog contains posts about travel, technology, dining, and many more. James is also a freelance photographer that caters events such as weddings, debuts, birthdays, and even personal photoshoots. You can contact him through +63 916 659 7001 if you have any questions or plans to advertise on this blog.
